The Definitive IIJA Buyers Checklist/BABA Compliance Checklist contains resources and questions that Contractors, and their Distributors will need to aid them in their IIJA purchasing journey.

Suppliers and Distributors

Elevate your distribution and supply processes with this checklist, your top tool to navigate Build American, Buy America (BABA) requirements. Keeping your purchasing compliant is no easy task; that’s why we’re worked with the experts and compiled a list of their top tips, to ensure that you stay informed about American-made solutions.


Use this checklist to navigate procurement complexities within the IIJA and BABA Act. Review the IIJA / BABA complience checklist before making procurement decisions to identify compliant materials or equipment and to streamline your processes. Download for everything you need to comply with IIJA/BABA requirements and participate in infrastructure investment opportunities!

Get the IIJA Buyers Checklist

To download the IIJA Buyers Checklist you must first register and attend the Comply When You Buy Webinar. Once you have completed the webinar, you will be mailed a personalized link to download the Buyers Checklist. This is to ensure that the Buyers Checklist is applied correctly and the main guidelines are fully understood.